Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Lars' grand return to the Utility A show ring - so, so, so close!!!

Lars and I went back to the Utility A show ring for the first time after his 7 month shoulder soft tissue injury rehab stint this past weekend. Both days were so, so close with us NQing on the very last jump of directed jumping. He worked so incredibly (this video is from Sunday and was a 197 before directed jumping) and I'm beyond thrilled with him.

Here was the score break down for us: 1.5 points off in signals, 0 off 1st scent article, .5 point off second scent article, 1 point off directed retrieve, 0 off moving stand, NQ Directed jumping.

For those of you guys who aren't familiar with Utility. What should have happened with that directed jumping is Lars should have run away from me in a straight line and turned and sat directly opposite of me on the other side of the ring. The judge tells you which jump to go over. Then you repeat the exercise and the judge tells you to send the dog over the other jump. Lars is going to the place where he picked up the glove. Saturday, we had Glove 1 which lives in the opposite corner of the ring....and Lars went there instead of straight. No biggie...he needs some more go out mileage and proofing with directed retrieve versus go outs. It's really only been about 7 or 8 weeks since he's been back to work after all of that rehab.

We have two legs from this spring...just need one more!! There are a lot of shows coming up this we are going to get that last Q and soon. I just know it! Go Lars!!!!!